Character or Comfort?
Other than a direct download from heaven by The Holy Spirit through dreams, visions, and/or angelic visitations, there are only two ways...

Facing Your Giants
When We talk about facing giants, one of the first people to come to mind is usually David. However, one very important aspect of the...

Go! Go! Go!
I recently had the privilege to minister at the Dream Center in Los Angeles. We were right down in the middle of Los Angeles where we saw...

Dream Big!
Have you ever wished or dreamed for something that was really crazy....something that there was no earthly way it would ever come to...

Inside of You is a Treasure
I remember sitting in my Sunday school class as a little boy. My Sunday school teacher held up an acorn and asked the class, “what do...

The Body
Have you ever had a paper cut? It seems that when I get a paper cut it is all I can think about all day. The smallest thing effects my...

Is Jesus Lord?
There used to be a television commercial by Burger King that said, “Have it your Way!”. That slogan worked great for Burger King for...

God of the Whisper
There’s a story in the Bible about a prophet named Elijah who called down fire from heaven. It’s one of my favorites. If you’ve never...

Love Never Fails
1 Cor. 13 is known as the love chapter in The Bible. The number one thing about love is that love is patient and love is also kind. Now,...

God's Amazing Grace
The theme of grace is something that has been discussed a lot in our churches in the past few years, as well as it should be. God’s grace...